14 June concert

Our spring concert will be 14 June 2004, at 7pm in Le Petit Trianon
(downtown San Jose; directions -- it's at 72 North Fifth St.).

For this concert, we will be performing (in the given order): Download iTunes

The iTunes Music Store (ITMS) links let you purchase electronic copies of the music ... you can burn these to CDs for your own use or listen to them on your computer or iPod if you have one. iTunes itself is free (and a great way to organize your music :). If anyone wants to provide other links, I am more than happy to post them. -Soren (sspies at bigw dot org)

RadioMusicSource.org has an extensive collection of classical music (and an excellent 'power search' feature). Purchases at the site support public radio (you can pick which station to support).
